
马来西亚 - 你还有希望吗?


这一趟去了上海(江南游),感慨万千!一上的士(taxi), 师傅(taxi driver) 滔滔不绝,如数家珍的把上海的景点, 生活状况告诉你,使你处异地而有在家的感觉!的士司机童俜无欺,价格照表!城市相当干净,交通系统相当有秩序! 高架公路壮观,我国望尘莫及!

上海市有注册的人口大约与马来西亚的总人口一样- 2千5百万!市政府能够管得很这么棒,这是很不得了的!反观马来西亚,我们有那一点比得上呢!请问各位,有见识过puduraya 的的士吗?上车至少RM10,逗一个圈,收你RM20是你走运,不好彩的可能破财!

Masjid Jamek 的Star 和Putra 的LRT 站,为什么不能衔接?Monorail 为什么还不能开到Sentral 站?吉隆坡为什么还是很肮脏?

如果说中国充满希望,马来西亚- 您还有希望吗?

3 条评论:

  1. Malaysia Boleh ma.....
    You are right, if we compared to, don't too far, Thailand will do, how success is their travel sector, why "orang putih" like to go Thailand rather to Malaysia ??

  2. Malaysia Boleh ma.....
    You are right, if we compared to, don't too far, Thailand will do, how success is their travel sector, why "orang putih" like to go Thailand rather to Malaysia ??

  3. Malaysia Boleh ma.....
    You are right, if we compared to, don't too far, Thailand will do, how success is their travel sector, why "orang putih" like to go Thailand rather to Malaysia ??
